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A large eastern European country invaded by Russia in February 2022
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Tentative Model (195)


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Research Organisation (5)

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Base Colour (10)

Colour of all, or some, of the markings on the munition

Marking Colour (9)

Language or script of the marking on a munition

Marking Script (9)

Condition of the munition pictured

Condition (6)

Key features defining the operation mechanisms of a projectile

Mechanical Feature (9)

Whether a munition is guided or unguided

Guidance (2)

Where the munition is launched from and what it targets

Domain (5)

The type of fins visible on the munition

Fins Characteristic (5)

The nominal diameter of a projectile. For most modern munitions, this is expressed in millimetres (e.g. 82 mm mortar projectile), but older artillery gun projectiles may be described in inches.

Calibre (57)

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A large eastern European country that faced a full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022. Since then the Ukrainian military has fought a major war with Russian forces, with tens of thousands believed to have been killed.
Analyst Note:
This image shows a remnant of the aft motor section, which includes the venturi nozzle, of a North Korean KN-23/KN-24/Hwasong-11 series missile. The KN-23/KN-24/Hwasong-11 has a generally similar appearance to the Russian 9M7 ‘Iskander’ series of ballistic missiles, but has differences in performance and in some aspects of the construction. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows the BSF-50, one of several warheads developed by Russia for the Shahed-136/Geran-2 to replace the original Shahed-136 warhead designed by Iran. The BSF-50 is a high explosive warhead with a fragmentation effect. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Depicted here is the MD-550 motor of a Shahed-136/Geran-2. This image was presented by Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as a fragment of the drone that reportedly hit the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s New Safe Confinement shelter. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Two R-77 air-to-air missiles (NATO reporting name: AA-12 Adder) are carried in this photograph by a Russian Aerospace Forces Sukhoi Su-35 fighter aircraft. Key markings, including the aircraft’s bort number (a coloured numeral that acts as a unit or base identifier), have been digitally obscured. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM; ‘Modular Air-to-Ground Armament’) family of French bolt-on guidance kits are fitted to air-delivered bombs of various sizes in a similar fashion to American JDAM kits. In some marketing materials, the acronym HAMMER is used, standing for ‘Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range’. This refers, in part, to the rocket boosters fitted to munitions in the family to extend their effective range. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
In this photo, a Ukrainian Sukhoi Su-25 ground-attack aircraft from the 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade, with the bort number ‘Blue 28’, is seen carrying an AASM-250 guided air-delivered bomb under its left wing. Available imagery shows that the AASM-250 has also been fitted to Mikoyan MiG-29 fighter aircraft, and can likely be carried by the Sukhoi Su-27 as well. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a 9M22S rocket with some of its unfunctioned payload of 180 ML-5 incendiary elements. Each ML-5 is a hexagonal prism formed from a hollow shell of magnesium that is filled with an incendiary composition. These elements are ignited by the ejection charge of the rocket’s warhead upon functioning. Two fuzes are also visible at the bottom of the image, immediately above and below the ruler. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a North Korean 120 mm high explosive (HE) mortar projectile next to an Iranian 120 mm HE mortar projectile. Despite both being the same calibre, the overall shapes and dimensions of the two projectiles are noticeably different. Factors such as payload weight and range can be affected significantly by projectile shape. (ARES)
2 Analyst Notes:
This image shows one of several possible warhead variants that can be carried by the Shahed-136/Geran-2 one-way attack (OWA) UAV. The Shahed-136/Geran-2 (and the smaller Shahed-131/Geran-1) has been documented carrying shaped-charge warheads, penetrator warheads, and multi-function warheads. Due to the various warheads that can be carried by a Shahed/Geran drone, the functional use cannot be determined without the warhead being visible. In this case, the munition was fitted with a TBBCh-50M warhead that contains a thermobaric explosive composition with an additional fragmentation effect. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Shahed-131/Geran-1 and Shahed-136/Geran-2 one-way-attack (OWA) UAVs can be fitted with on of a variety of warheads with different functional uses. The specific type carried by each UAV cannot be determined unless the munition has been damaged in such a way as to reveal the warhead, such as in this case. This image shows the cone of the shaped charge, indicating that this Shahed-1/Geran-1 carries a warhead with a penetrating or anti-armour effect. This warhead has been documented with 18 additional liners for enhanced anti-armour effect, and in some cases has been fitted with fragmentation liners for an enhanced anti-personnel effect. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The M712 ‘Copperhead’ is a laser-guided 155 mm artillery gun projectile carrying a high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warhead designed to engage armoured vehicles. The Copperhead was developed in the United States in the 1970s, and saw limited use during Operation Desert Storm. The M712 is is pictured here inside its shipping container, and the slots for the enclosed, deployable (‘pop-out’) wings and fins are visible. The M712 has two operational modes: a ballistic mode that follows a gun’s ballistic trajectory like a traditional artillery projectile, and a glide mode, which follows a longer and flatter trajectory. The preferred mode is set by the artillery crew before firing. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The two North Korean 120 mm high explosive (HE) mortar projectiles in this image are each fitted with five cloth bags affixed above the tailfins. These are incremental propellant charges (sometimes known as augmenting, auxiliary, or supplemental charges), the number of which can be varied along with a mortar’s elevation to adjust the trajectory and range of the munition when fired. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows two Iranian 130 mm high explosive (HE) artillery gun projectiles. Calibre (“130MM”) and functional type (“HE - TNT”) markings are visible on the right-hand example, whilst a lot marking (“LOT:10/202[…]”) is partially obscured. The “TNT” marking indicates that this munition uses a trinitrotoluene composition as its explosive fill. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This 9M27K-series surface-to-surface cargo rocket is loaded with either 9N210 or 9N235 high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) submunitions. These models are nearly identical in construction, differing primarily in the nature of the pre-formed fragments they carry. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows an Iranian 122 mm high explosive (HE) artillery gun projectile. Like several other munitions, it is described in Iranian sources—and, in this case, on the munition itself—only by reference to the weapon with which it is most often associated: the Soviet-designed 122 mm D-30 howitzer (often rendered ‘D30’, without the hyphen, in Iranian service). This munition is also marked to indicate it was produced in 2023. Interpreting munitions markings in this way, especially where they indicate recent manufacture, may provide evidence of ongoing supply during a conflict. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The munition indicated in this image as a 152 mm high explosive (HE) artillery gun projectile manufactured in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The internal components of large, complex munitions often feature markings to aid in assembly, supply chain oversight, and quality assurance. In this case, a data plate marked with the name of the manufacturer (“MBDA FRANCE”) has been affixed to one of the rear control fins (“EQ, VENTRAL, FIN TIP”) of the missile. The NATO Stock Number (NSN) is also visible. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows an actuator from a Storm Shadow-series missile. Actuators are components of guided munitions that are most often used to move control surfaces (e.g., fins and wings), enabling the munition to adjust its course in-flight in response to guidance commands. In this case, the component is fitted with a ‘data plate’ that indicates it was manufactured by MBDA France. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a Microturbo TRI 60-30 turbojet engine from a Storm Shadow-series air-launched cruise missile. Further remnants of the rear of the missile are also visible, including one of the rear control fins. The Storm Shadow has a range of more than 250 kilometres. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows the rear of the second stage of the penetrator warhead (also called a ‘follow-through’ warhead) of the Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge (BROACH) multi-stage warhead system present in the Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG missile. The cylindrical object in the centre of the warhead (with a data plate marked “THALES”) is the fuze. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows the first stage of the Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge (BROACH) multi-stage warhead used by the Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG missile. The BROACH uses a shaped-charge warhead (seen here) as its first stage, to help penetrate hardened targets, whilst the second stage comprises a conventional high explosive penetrator warhead (also called a ‘follow-through’ warhead) (ARES).
Analyst Note:
The remnant at left in this image is the second stage, or penetrator warhead, of the Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge (BROACH) multi-stage warhead as used in the Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG air-launched cruise missile. In this case, it has failed to function as intended. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
In this image, two GBU-39 guided air-delivered bombs can be seen in their shipping containers, with only the nose and the tail actuation section of the munitions clearly visible. Distinctive packaging such as this can sometimes be used as contextual evidence for the presence of specific munitions. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a rocket motor section from an MGM-140 ATACMS series surface-to-surface ballistic missile. The warhead section of the MGM-140 series missiles separate from the rocket motor before functioning, resulting in the rocket motor often being found relatively intact near the target. The MGM-140 series missiles use the same rocket motor, preventing a positive identification of the variant based off the rocket motor alone, unless the variant markings are visible. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This remnant of an MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) surface-to-surface ballistic missile is marked to indicate it is the MGM-140A variant, a cluster munition which carries 950 M74 multi-purpose submunitions. Submunitions of this type are sometimes referred to by the acronym ‘anti-personnel and anti‑materiel (APAM)’. Additional markings indicate a manufacturing date (“10/96”; October 1996), a serial number (“411240”), and other information. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Almost all cluster munitions, including this example, expel their submunitions during flight. The submunitions are often held in an internal frame, such as that visible here, prior to being expelled. Depending on the munition, these internal frames may be diagnostic for identification. They usually do not carry a significant explosive payload in their own right, and therefore often withstand the functioning of the munition relatively intact. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The 9M27K3 surface-to-surface rocket is fitted with the 9N128K3 cargo warhead (seen here). This warhead carries a payload of 312 PFM-1 or PFM-1S scatterable anti-personnel landmines. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The 9M22S is essentially the ‘full-sized’ version of the shorter 9M28S surface-to-surface rocket previously recorded in the OSMP. Both rockets carry the same 9N510 incendiary warhead, but differ in the length of their rocket motor sections, and thus range. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The 9Н123К (9N123K) cargo warhead is delivered by a 9М79К (9M79K) series surface-to-surface guided missile. This cluster munition carries fifty 9Н24 (9N24) high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) submunitions, and is launched from the 9К79 Tochka series of tactical ballistic missile launchers. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
A 9N24 submunition is visible to the left of the 9N123K warhead in this image. This high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) submunition is marked to indicate it was produced in 1989 and filled with A-IX-2 explosive composition. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The 9M28S surface-to-surface unguided rocket carries the 9N510 warhead, which disperses burning thermite-type incendiary elements over a wide area upon functioning. This munition is designed to start fires in target areas vulnerable to incendiary attack, including forests, ammunition dumps, and fuel storage sites. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This 9M27K-series surface-to-surface cargo rocket is carrying a payload of 9N210 or 9N235 high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) submunitions. These submunitions are difficult to distinguish unless their external markings are visible, or a close examination is made. (ARES)
2 Analyst Notes:
The JDAM-ER in this photograph is affixed to an unusual pylon thought to be of Ukrainian design, which allows the Western munition to be carried by the Soviet-designed Mikoyan MiG-29 and Sukhoi Su-27 fighter aircraft in service with the Ukrainian Air Force (a MiG-29 is pictured here). (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) series includes variants with a variety of different payloads, including submunitions and unitary high explosive (HE) warheads. The number of submunitions carried and effective ranges also vary. Ukraine has reportedly received the MGM-140A and MGM-140B variants, which are externally visually identical and must usually be distinguished by markings. The MGM-140A carries 950 M74 submunitions, with an effective range of 165 km, while the MGM-140B carries only 300 M74 submunitions but has a longer effective range of 300 km. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The Joint Direct Attack Munition – Extended Range (JDAM-ER) marries the JDAM guidance kit to a ‘glide bomb’ wing kit developed by the Australian Defence Force, offering a munition with at least three times the range of a standard GBU-38 500-pound-class guided aerial bomb. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
In this image, two GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs are attached to a BRU-61/A bomb rack. The Ukrainian Air Force adapted this American-designed bomb rack to fit their Soviet-designed Mikoyan MiG-29 fighter aircraft. The BRU-61/A can carry up to four GBU-39 air-delivered bombs. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The remnants shown in these linked images have been falsely identified in Russian sources as chemical munitions. This image clearly exhibits the marking “NBK DM 1216”—the ‘NBK’ standing for the German Nebelkörper (‘smoke element’)—identifying this as one of four DM 1216 hexachloroethane/zinc (HC) smoke elements dispensed by the German DM 105 155 mm artillery gun projectile. Video of the incident shows all four elements being ejected from the base of the projectile in flight. (ARES)


Ukraine 2022 – 2024

On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, with forces seeking to capture most major cities – including the capital Kyiv. This marked the largest conflict in Europe since the Second World War, and around a quarter of Ukrainian territory fell under Russian control – though its forces were repelled from Kyiv. […]

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Analyst Note:
The various Iranian Qaem-series guided air-delivered bombs can be difficult to differentiate from one another. In this case, the wing (forward fin) assembly distinguishes this Qaem-5 from the visually similar Qaem-1. Note also that the name 'Qaem' has applied by Iran to other, unrelated munitions. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Once fired, four canards will deploy from the forward (ogival) section of these M982 Excalibur guided artillery projectiles. The narrow-shaped ports through which the canards deploy are a good indicator of a guided or extended-range artillery projectile. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Many guided (or otherwise complex) munitions like this one are marked with additional information on individual assemblies or components. This can include information on sub-contractors that produced or integrated specific parts of a munition. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
In this image, a Ukrainian soldier is using an M1155 Enhanced Portable Inductive Artillery Fuze Setter (EPIAFS) to input the target coordinates and set functioning parameters for an M982 Excalibur guided artillery projectile. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The large fragments in this image are typical of 'natural' fragmentation resulting from the rupturing of a thick-walled munition (in this case, an artillery projectile) by the functioning of its explosive payload. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Like the more common 9M22S rocket, the 9M28S carries the 9N510 warhead, which dispenses 180 individual incendiary elements composed of a magnesium alloy shell filled with a thermite-like incendiary composition. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The Brimstone is a series of British-designed guided missiles that can be launched from air, land, or sea platforms. The United Kingdom first provided Ukraine with the Brimstone I missile in 2022 and exports have continued since, more recently believed to include the Brimstone II model. In Ukraine, Brimstone-series missiles have been exclusively launched from ground-based and sea-based platforms as of May 2024. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
122 mm ‘Grad’ rockets can be fired from a variety of launchers and even in improvised ways. The most common is the BM-21 launcher and its later derivatives, but many other portable or vehicle-mounted launchers have been used around the world. Craft-produced examples—ranging from simple rails to more complex designs comparable to factory made launchers—are also common. In some cases, Grad rockets are even fired whilst supported by a crude arrangement of logs, bricks, or rocks. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This artillery projectile is a non-lethal type designed to carry propaganda leaflets. Externally, it strongly resembles other variants carrying lethal payloads, although this particular model has a distinctive all-red colour. The leaflets are expelled from the base of the munition by the action of a small explosive charge, after a set amount of time has elapsed after firing (determined by the fuze). (ARES)
Analyst Note:
These S-25-O air-to-surface rockets are each loaded into a single-barrelled O-25 rocket launcher (sometimes called a 'launch tube' or 'rocket pod') that is affixed to an aircraft hardpoint. The over-calibre high explosive fragmentation warhead (of 420 mm in diameter) protrudes from the front of the tube. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
As a result of the rapid introduction of new models and variants during ongoing conflicts, sometimes a munition is issued with a provisional designation, or with no designation at all. In other cases, the designation is not yet known to researchers. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Whilst most mortars are smoothbore guns, some have a rifled bore. These M1101 120 mm mortar projectiles feature a 'pre-rifled' driving band—that is, a driving band with grooves cut at the factory to fit the mortar's rifling. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Not all munitions have a lethal purpose. This is a type of ‘carrier’ or ‘cargo’ munition designed to carry and dispense a non-lethal payload—in this case, propaganda leaflets. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image depicts a Ukrainian-made version of the Soviet-era OF-25 152 mm artillery projectile, the designation of which is not publicly known at this time (May 2024). The yellow base colour was commonly found in batches produced by Ukroboronprom in late 2022. Later batches returned to a grey base colour. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The OF-NMR is a rocket-assisted mortar projectile, which uses a solid-fuel rocket motor located in the cylindrical portion of the body, below the ogive, to extend its range. Rocket-assisted mortar projectiles are rarely encountered. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The “+” marking is a weight classification symbol which indicates standard deviation. One “+” sign indicates a deviation from 0.33% to 1.00% of the stated weight. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Whereas many cartridges are of the 'fixed' type—with the propellant charge contained entirely within the cartridge, and the cartridge case crimped around the projectile—the OF-540 artillery gun projectile is a type of 'semi-fixed' ammunition. A round of semi-fixed ammunition is separated into two groups of components: the projectile and fuze; and the cartridge case, primer, and one or more propellant charges. These two component groups are typically combined at the time of loading the gun, or shortly beforehand. The majority of ammunition fired by artillery systems is either semi-fixed or 'separate loading' (see Glossary). (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The 120 mm 3-Z-2 incendiary mortar projectile contains 6 incendiary elements, four large and two small. These are hollow steel ‘cups’ filled with an incendiary mixture of an unknown type, but understood to be comparable in effect to thermite. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The AGM-88 High-Speed-Anti-Radiation-Missile (HARM) is an air-to-surface anti-radiation guided missile that seeks and destroys radar-based air-defence systems by detecting radar emissions, locking on to these, and using them to home in on a target. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a 9M27K2 cargo rocket as well as several partially ejected PTM-1 anti-vehicle landmines. This 9M27K variant is fitted with the 9N128K2 payload section which carries and dispenses 24 PTM-1 mines. Other variants carry different mines or submunitions. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The Next-generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW) uses an uncommon form of guidance known as predicted line-of-sight (PLOS). PLOS guidance calculates the anticipated position of a moving target prior to launch, with the munition using inertial guidance to fly to the projected impact point. This fire-and-forget technique allows the operator to move positions immediately after firing, and is generally cheaper than other fire-and-forget guidance types. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a remnant of the control section from a 9M83-series surface-to-air missile. The 9M83 is launched by the Russian S-300V air defence system. The system and its missile have received the NATO designation ‘SA-12A Gladiator’. Missiles launched by air defence systems are often referred to by the name of the respective complete platform, rather than the specific model of the missile itself. For example, ‘S-300’ or ‘S-300V’ rather than ‘9M83’. (ARES)