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9M22 Grad series
Typically unguided artillery rockets with a diameter of 122 mm, capable of delivering a range of payloads, but most often carrying a HE-FRAG warhead. These indirect-fire munitions are most often launched from multiple-barrel rocket launchers such as the BM-21 Grad, but can also be fired from single- or double-barrel launchers or improvised rails, with the latter often seen in the Middle East. 9M22-series ‘Grad’ rockets have been used in conflicts across the globe, including Syria and Ukraine.

Analyst Note:
Whilst there are no visible markings explicitly identifying the model of the 122 mm rockets in this image, they are sitting atop a box marked “R-122” and exhibit physical features consistent with North Korean R-122 rockets. It should be noted that rockets marked with the generic “R-122” model name have been observed in both ‘long’ and ‘short’ overall lengths and painted in different colours. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
These R-122 ‘Grad’-type 122 mm surface-to-surface rockets were produced in North Korea. The example to the right is fitted with an F-122 impact fuze. Whilst a two-tone colour scheme is more common amongst those North Korean Grad rockets thus far identified in the context of the Ukraine conflict (these typically featuring a black forward section), uniformly coloured examples like this have also been identified previously. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The crude launch arrangement depicted in this photograph shows the ease with which many simple rocket designs can be launched. Weapons such as this are used where precision fire is not a requirement; i.e., where the target might be a whole compound, neighbourhood, or settlement, rather than a specific building or vehicle. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Contextual information suggests that this is likely a 9M22S unguided incendiary rocket (see External Research section), but this cannot be confirmed on the basis of this image alone. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
122 mm ‘Grad’ rockets can be fired from a variety of launchers and even in improvised ways. The most common is the BM-21 launcher and its later derivatives, but many other portable or vehicle-mounted launchers have been used around the world. Craft-produced examples—ranging from simple rails to more complex designs comparable to factory made launchers—are also common. In some cases, Grad rockets are even fired whilst supported by a crude arrangement of logs, bricks, or rocks. (ARES)