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GBU-39 series
The GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) is a precision-guided aerial bomb in the 250-pound weight class, developed and predominantly produced in the United States. The GBU-39 has been produced in several variants with differing warhead configurations, most containing 16–17 kg of explosive composition - a relatively small 'payload' for an air-delivered bomb.
The weapon is fitted with a wing assembly that permits longer, flatter ‘gliding’ attack vectors - giving it a range of more than 110 km from the release point. It has four tail-fin control surfaces to adjust the munition’s trajectory in flight in response to GPS and inertial guidance, thus improving precision.
Analyst Note:
This image shows a distinctively shaped component of MBDA’s ‘Diamond Back’ joined tandem wing assembly as fitted to the GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The remnant pictured here is part of a Small Diameter Bomb actuator assembly, which moves the four tail-fin control surfaces which alter the course of the munition in flight. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The circled remnant is the hardened steel nosecone of the GBU-39, which renders the munition capable of penetrating more than 3 feet (approx. 1 metre) of steel-reinforced concrete. It is one of several components that often survives the detonation of the munition. (ARES)
2 Analyst Notes:
This munition is assessed to be one of the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) I variants (GBU-39 series), rather than one of the SDB II 'StormBreaker' (GBU-53 series) munitions, on the basis of contextual information. 'Small Diameter Bomb' is the manufacturer's terminology, whilst 'GBU-39' is the U.S. Air Force designation (also used by many other operators). (ARES)