21 results
Analyst Note:
This image shows an unexploded WDU-45/B, the second stage or penetrator warhead (also called a ‘follow-through’ warhead), of the Bomb Royal Ordnance Augmented Charge (BROACH) multi-stage warhead system used in the AGM-154C variant of the Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) air-delivered bomb. The first stage is a shaped-charge warhead designed help the second stage penetrate hardened targets before detonating. The Shadow/SCALP-EG missile also uses a multi-stage BROACH system, but with larger warheads. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a fragment of the wing assembly of a Paveway bomb guidance kit. The data plate, though damaged, provides additional information about the munition. A partial Commercial and Government Entity code (CAGE; “ …14”), manufacturing part number (MFG SKU; “872127-1”), National Stock Number (NSN; “...5-01-141-5890”), serial number (Serial NO; 15-005326), and date of manufacture (“…MFR. 10/15”) are visible. This data can be used to look-up the component and determine that this specific fragment is from a Paveway II guidance kit intended for use with a MK 82-series 500-pound-class air-delivered bomb. This bomb and guidance kit combination is referred to as the GBU-12. The CAGE code, although partial, is enough to determine that this specific kit was produced by Raytheon, rather than the other known manufacturer of the Paveway kits, Lockheed Martin. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows a fragment of the wing assembly of a Paveway kit, compatible with a MK 82 500-pound-class air-delivered bomb. (“..R USE ON MK82”). The National Stock Number (NSN; “1325-01-5453531”) indicates that this is a Paveway IV bomb guidance kit. There are variants of Paveway guidance kits compatible with all MK 80-series bombs, as well as other bombs such as the 5,000-pound-class BLU-113 penetrator. Paveway bomb guidance kits use laser guidance, and are more precise than JDAM guidance kits. Some variants of the Paveway kit, such as the ‘Enhanced’ series feature GPS and INS guidance in addition to laser guidance. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
This image shows part of the SUU-66 dispenser (sometimes called a ‘shell’) that forms part of a CBU-105 D/B cluster bomb unit. In U.S. service, a ‘cluster bomb unit’ designation includes both the dispenser or shell, as well as the payload.
The CBU-105 series of cluster munitions consists of CBU-97-series munitions that are modified with a WCMD (Wind Corrected Munitions Dispenser) guidance kit. Both CBU-97 and CBU-105 series munitions are made-up of an SUU-66 dispenser filled with 10 BLU-108 submunitions. Each BLU-108 submunition contains 4 ‘skeet’ warheads that are ejected mid-air and independently seek out targets using an infrared sensor. A single skeet weighs 7.5 lb (3.4 kg) and contains a copper explosively formed penetrator (EFP) for armour penetration that is surrounded by a fragmentation ring offering some anti-personnel effect. (ARES)