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AGM-114 Hellfire series
A U.S.-designed air-to-surface and (less commonly) surface-to-surface missile used for precision strikes. The munition can be deployed by aircraft including drones and helicopters such as the AH-64 Apache, as well as ground-based launcher platforms. With an effective range of up to 11 km, the missile uses either laser or radar guidance depending on the variant. Hellfires commonly use high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) or shaped charge (e.g., high explosive anti-tank; HEAT) warheads, but novel variants have also been developed. The missile has seen extensive use during conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Gaza and Ukraine.

Analyst Note:
In this image, four AGM-114 Hellfire-series missiles can be seen fitted to an M299-series missile launcher, itself attached to the stub wings of this Israeli AH-64 Apache helicopter. In theory, the Apache could be armed with up to sixteen Hellfire missiles, but fewer are carried in practice to allow for other weapons and sensor payloads (ARES).