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Shahed-136 series
An Iranian-designed powered munition of the type often known as a one-way-attack (OWA) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or drone, with an estimated range of 1,000–2,000 km. It is 3.5 metres in length, has a 2.5-metre wingspan, and is capable of carrying a range of warheads weighing up to 50kg. It uses both GNSS and inertial navigation for guidance and typically acts as a pseudo-missile, flying towards pre-programmed coordinates before exploding on impact. It is used extensively in the Middle East and Ukraine, with Russia producing a copy of the Iranian Shahed-136 known as the Geran-2. Larger than the Shahed-131, the 136 is primarily identifiable by its vertical wing stabilisers, which extend both above and below the delta-wing assembly.

Analyst Note:
This image shows the BSF-50, one of several warheads developed by Russia for the Shahed-136/Geran-2 to replace the original Shahed-136 warhead designed by Iran. The BSF-50 is a high explosive warhead with a fragmentation effect. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Depicted here is the MD-550 motor of a Shahed-136/Geran-2. This image was presented by Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as a fragment of the drone that reportedly hit the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant’s New Safe Confinement shelter. (ARES)
2 Analyst Notes:
This image shows one of several possible warhead variants that can be carried by the Shahed-136/Geran-2 one-way attack (OWA) UAV. The Shahed-136/Geran-2 (and the smaller Shahed-131/Geran-1) has been documented carrying shaped-charge warheads, penetrator warheads, and multi-function warheads. Due to the various warheads that can be carried by a Shahed/Geran drone, the functional use cannot be determined without the warhead being visible. In this case, the munition was fitted with a TBBCh-50M warhead that contains a thermobaric explosive composition with an additional fragmentation effect. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
Honeycomb-like internal structures are often used in aerospace applications to provide rigidity with reduced weight, and are sometimes constructed using materials which reduce radar cross-section by absorbing or scattering electromagnetic waves. (ARES)