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9M79K Tochka series
These are missiles launched by the Tochka and Tochka-U complexes that have a 9N123K warhead.
Analyst Note:
The 9Н123К (9N123K) cargo warhead is delivered by a 9М79К (9M79K) series surface-to-surface guided missile. This cluster munition carries fifty 9Н24 (9N24) high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) submunitions, and is launched from the 9К79 Tochka series of tactical ballistic missile launchers. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
A 9N24 submunition is visible to the left of the 9N123K warhead in this image. This high explosive fragmentation (HE-FRAG) submunition is marked to indicate it was produced in 1989 and filled with A-IX-2 explosive composition. (ARES)