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SPICE 1000
An Israeli-designed ‘bolt-on’ guidance kit made by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems which converts 1,000-pound air-delivered bombs, such as the American MK 83, into precision guided munitions. It uses deployable wings, giving the munition a ‘gliding’ attack trajectory and a maximum effective range of 125 km from release point. The SPICE-1000 employs electro-optical guidance to inform a scene-matching algorithm that controls guidance, and can typically strike within 3 meters of a desired target. The munition has seen widespread use by the Israeli Air Force in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen in recent years, and is also in service with the Indian and Greek air forces.

What Are Bomb Guidance Kits?
A visual guide to JDAMs and other guidance kits from the Open Source Munitions Portal
Analyst Note:
The RAFAEL Advanced Defense Systems SPICE 1000 guidance kit is fitted to MK 83-series 1,000-pound unguided air-delivered bombs to convert them to precision guided munitions. Like the JDAM-ER, it has a deployable wings to provide a ‘gliding’ attack trajectory. (ARES)
Analyst Note:
The SPICE family of munitions, manufactured by Israeli aerospace and defence company Rafael, includes two models which use ‘bolt-on’ guidance kits. The SPICE 1000 and SPICE 2000 models convert 1,000- and 2,000-pound unguided aerial bombs, respectively, to precision guided munitions. (ARES)